Bitmap vs. Vector Images

Bitmap images are made up entirely of little squares. Imagine creating your logo using graph paper. There are no lines, no arcs, and no shapes – just lots of little squares. So all outlines and edges are jagged, not smooth. Adobe Photoshop and all digital cameras produce bitmap files that include .bmp, .gif, jpeg, .tiff, and others. All bitmap art is “resolution dependent,” meaning when you change the size of an image you change the quality. As such, the resolution (DPI or dots per inch) of your file is critical.

Vector art is an image made up of a multitude of points and lines. It contains mathematical formulas which define the shapes; each line has a start, finish, and a direction. Vector art is “resolution independent,” which means that it can be enlarged without affecting the quality of your image. We require outlined vector art for imprinting or embroidery at 300 DPI minimum. We are happy to assist you with art services as needed.
Vectorization Fee: $45.00 (one time)
Digitizing for Embroidery
Digitizing is the most important process for creating high-quality custom embroidery; it writes the instructions allowing a logo to be recreated on a commercial embroidery machine with precise proportions. We utilize state-of-the art software using advanced vector art graphics that “redraw a design in thread,” allowing for fast, affordable and precision conversion of any graphic or business logos into superior custom embroidery. “Camera ready” artwork should be submitted in a fully digitized (.dst ) file format.
If digitizing services are required, we can help you with that. Please send your art as a “vector” file in Adobe Illustrator (.ai file format, preferred), all fonts converted to outlines. High resolution (300 DPI) Adobe Photoshop (.jpeg file format) can be accepted but we will need to both vectorize and digitize the art for you. Microsoft Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, etc.) are not graphics programs and will not be recognized through art acceptance processes.
Digitization Fee: $60.00 (one time)